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Onstage Helpers


Arms Wide Open is accepting volunteer applications. We are mainly looking for seamstresses, onstage helpers, make-up and hair artists and backstage crew members. We thank you for your interest in volunteering for the Arms Wide Wide organization.



Seamstresses: Arms Wide Open is always in need of seamstresses who can help create costumes, make alterations and join in on the creative process. If you are a skilled seamstress and interested in volunteering for our organization please fill out the application below and we will be in contact with you.

Make-Up and Hair Artists: Arms Wide Open is also seeking make up and hair artists for our musical productions. An AWO musical show can consists of 65-80 cast members who all need make-up and their hair done. If you have any experience in this area please fill out the application below and we will be in contact.

Onstage helper: What does it take to be an onstage helper? To be a volunteer onstage helper (OSH) it will take hard work, dedication, and a positive attitude. But most importantly an OSH has to be fully committed to the rehearsal and show schedule. Consistency is a very important part of the show process and helps the AWO performers build a relationship and trust with you. The role of an OSH is to give additional support to the performers on stage by encouraging them and helping them along the way. If you are selected by our Cast Manager you will then be assigned to a specific group or possibly just to one actor. You will be asked to learn all choreography and singing parts pertained to your group and will perform on stage as well. OSH will play a pivotal role in the show success and we can’t do it without you. If you are interested in being an onstage helper please fill out this application below.


Backstage Crew: To be a volunteer on backstage crew (BSC) you must be 18+ and have some theatre experience. Being on the BSC for an Arms Wide Open production requires a great deal of responsibility and commitment. The BSC must be committed to the entire show run including move in and load out. The BSC will also be asked to join in some cast rehearsals about a month before moving into the theatre. This is so the Stage Manager can delegate responsibilities early and the crew can learn the flow of the show. BSC responsibilities can range from assisting actors on and off stage, moving sets, handling props, flying actors, running spots and cueing effects. Sometimes the BSC may be asked to perform on stage in costume as well. If you are interested in being a back stage crew member, please fill out this application below.